
Design your ADC-like Small Molecule Drugs by the Disciplined Generative AI to Integrate Desired Clinical Outcome into Targeted Therapy
Generative Artificial Intelligence to
Generate New Compounds that Equip Both
On-target Efficacy and Desired ADMET from a Safer Chemical Space

Praexisio Inc. is an AI- and simulation-based pharma that has new drug candidates treating triple negative breast cancer, colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer and auto-immune diseases. The company also provides preclinical design and consultancy (PDC) services for other pharmaceutical companies, biotechs, hospitals and research institutes to lower their bioinformatics/biochemical and overall design barriers. The award-winning company was established in 2018, Pleasanton California, carrying the original technology transferred from National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, and intergrating components from the University of Alberta, Canada. Our mission is to lower the drug developmental cost and clear the bioinformatics and preclinical hurdles in our clients’ success.
Feedback of Systemic Effects into the Drug Design
by Integrating AIs at Multiple Levels

Featured Innovations
From Virtual Screening toward Design with Generative AI and Simulations

SOTA Simulation Pipeline
Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Our molecular dynamics pipeline is the computational methods that simulate the physical movements of atoms and molecules. Evidence showed our in-house pipeline outperformed these conventional docking programs in predicting protein-ligand binding interactions and molecular pathogenicity of single amino acid variation (SAV).

FDA Drugs and Beyond
Generative AI
Our “disciplined” variational autoencoder/integrator based generative model is designed to encode FDA-approved and -like drugs and synthesize new compounds from a safer chemical space. With our cutting-edge technology, we can help clients discover new drug candidates for their targets, where the candidates are generated from the latent space harboring clinical advantages.

Systemic & Personalized Feedback
SAfe Fragment Embracing BEneficial SysTemic Effects Act on Dancing targets (SAFE-BESTEAD) is a revolutionary drug design platform that unites an ensemble-simulation-designed on-target chemical fragment and a chemical fragment proved to carry systemic benefit as well as generate leads from the middle ground of on-target drugs and systemic drugs projected in the latent space that generates new compounds. The generating ground of the generative AI is optimized to produce compounds that have desired ADMET and PK/PD properties based on our systems pharmacology models and in vitro/vivo experimental feedback. The systemic beneficial component can also be optimized toward the making of personalized medicine.